STARs Club

Dear Friend,

I wish you could have gone with me to that Dallas inner-city neighborhood. I came unannounced, just looking to find some kids to encourage. As I stood in a courtyard surrounded by apartments, I saw an amazing site… Windows and doors were flung open and people began to swarm around me when they heard that I was a member of the
Dallas Cowboys.

At the edge of this growing crowd was little boy named Johnny. He caught my eye because of how intently he was watching my every move. He finally got the nerve to come over and ask for my autograph. As I took a knee and began to sign my name on his small piece of paper, he looked me right in the eyes and said, “I want to be just like you!”

You can imagine how I felt… What a responsibility! As a pro athlete I encountered people who wanted to see and hear me, not because they knew anything about my values or character, or even that they had even heard my name before. People looked to me because as a pro athlete, I represented something they wanted… “Success.” Everybody wants to be a winner in life, yet over the years I’ve discovered that too many people are striving for a shallow perception of success.

As a parent in our culture, I know how challenging it can be to instill character and leadership. But I am convinced that this is the only foundation that brings lasting joy and stability in life. That’s why I have become burdened to help make a difference in the lives of kids and families. What I have seen is that it is easier to build character and leadership in our kids now, than it is to fix the problems that result from the lack of it later on.

If it is your desire to help establish a path for kids and a practical plan for parents, please join me in helping to bring about the different events, resources and programs, which can help to uplift the discouraged and catapult our youth into the future with the vision and skills to shine in life.

Our kids and the “Johnnys” of the world are looking for direction… What direction will they find? As we join together as parents, families, and the community, we can be part of building a positive and exciting future through STARs Club.

Very Sincerely Yours,

Chris Waltman
STARs Club Director

STARs Club Information